DIE FURCHE logo and robotic hand reaching out to new readers.

In Elon Musk’s true words of wisdom, technology doesn’t just happen. It develops because a lot of people work very hard on it.

ÖAMTC “auto touring”

ÖAMTC is an independent non-profit association that supports motorists. To date, there are over 2 million members who trust in the services of the ÖAMTC. Whether it’s about road safety, travelling, leisure or general concerns.

OEAMTC – Launch of Click & Collect Shop

Since 2014 STRG.at launched or relaunched round about 20 web portals for ÖAMTC. Apart from another point of sales (online travel agency, online membership admission, Fahrtechnik booking process), this is a big step for ÖAMTC in online selling.

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