STRG presents the rising star of Austrian GenAI – STRG.assist

Introducing Austrian Version of ChatGPT called STRG.assist! Showed in picture as a close-up Of A Robotic Hand Holding Plate Grey Background

STRG has launched a new service that enables quick and easy integration of generative assistants into enterprise processes. The STRG.assist service offers a great alternative to ChatGPT and allows companies to take advantage of the growing demand for generative assistants and benefit from their potential. Read our short Q&A to learn more about the main differences between STRG.assist and ChatGPT!

Introducing the Austrian GenAI

Generative AI solutions are currently on top of everyone’s mind. From virtual models to fake images and automatically generated texts. The international tech giants have been working intensively on this topic for quite some time, and it has now reached the hearts and minds of society and the mainstream media. Austrian AI research has also been taking place for years, leading STRG to offer STRG.behave, a toolset that enables semantic analysis of texts, since 2017. An excellent basis for further developments.

STRG.assist is a solution that delivers ideas based on ChatGPT 4, creates or rewrites texts, and is even able to create simple content pieces altogether.

What can ChatGPT do and what are its limitations?

In many cases, creating texts with keywords or answering questions works quite well. However the basis of the content for ChatGPT is always the entire world wide web. So, it accesses the largest library mankind has ever invented. But there are also risks involved. For example, not every piece of information available online is from a reliable source, contexts are sometimes deliberately distorted, and in the case of commercial use the question of copyrights cannot be answered seriously if one does not know the origin.

So, what are the advantages of the local text generator tool, STRG.assist?

STRG.assist uses the capabilities and logic of ChatGPT 4, but opens up additional possibilities for business applications. The case-by-case restriction to certain data, such as whitelisting of certain web addresses or internal content databases reliably prevent false information from cheating its way into the created texts. For instance, the restriction to certain legal databases or research results is possible. One of the great advantages of STRG.assist is that we have created an interface in which uniform prompts can be “clicked together”. The interface required for this can be defined jointly, and then creates a significantly simplified approach to the topic of prompt engineering. We currently use the GPT4 model, but it is also possible to use other models that work better for the German language.

Is it one size fits all?

No. STRG.assist delivers personalized solutions that are tailored to industries, user groups or specific purposes. Practical examples are the creation of doctor’s or lawyer’s letters according to keywords, ideas for interview questions or the rewriting of texts for other target groups (incl. dialects) or the shortening/expanding of existing types of content on demand.


Send us a message to schedule an introductory call on features and functionalities.​

Showcasing STRG mascot Yuri, holding a laptop and searching through the web. Decorative image as part of the CTA

For more information, you can also contact our colleague directly!

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