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Let’s Git ‘er Done!

STRG continuously seeks to improve the productivity and quality of its operations by taking advantage of the best software tools and platforms currently available. Nowhere is this more important than with its developer team. Recently,


Mit GitHub zum Ziel

Die STRG ist ständig bestrebt, die Produktivität und Qualität ihrer Tätigkeiten zu verbessern, indem sie die besten derzeit verfügbaren Software-Tools und -Plattformen einsetzt. Nirgendwo ist dies wichtiger als bei unserem Entwicklerteam. Vor kurzem haben wir unser System


How STRG Became An Agile Service Organisation

Working agile saved our a$$ during the Covid-19 lockdown. Could it save yours?   The Digital Revolution has disrupted global business in countless ways. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to adapt even more. Only the

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