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Reimagining the STRG Office for the New Normal

A conversation with CEO Jürgen Schmidt about the “new normal” and the impact of the pandemic on the workplace, because at STRG “business as usual” means always being agile. STRG decided to move into this


Don’t Panic! Just Let Me Explain!

Taking the stage for the first time in two years, STRG’s CEO Jürgen Schmidt gave a keynote address at the 2022 JETZT Summit – an Austrian digital marketing conference for regional professionals.


Hunting for success

Contrary to popular belief, a small niche publisher with only a relative handful of unique visitors can profit from an expensive investment in its digital operations. Go ahead, be “klein aber fein,” because the internet


Auf der Jagd nach Erfolg

Entgegen der weit verbreiteten Meinung kann auch ein kleiner Nischenverlag mit nur einer relativen Handvoll Besucher von einer teuren Investition in seine digitalen Aktivitäten profitieren. Also los, seien Sie „klein aber fein“, denn das Internet


DesignOps: The Mindset, Process and Tools We Use

We talked with STRG’s Art Director, Pavel Guzenko, and Lead Developer, Ralf Traunsteiner, about how STRG practices DesignOps, what software tools enable it, and how Agile processes make it all work as efficiently as possible.


DesignOps: Unsere Denkweise, Prozesse und Tools

Gemeinsam mit dem Art Director von STRG, Pavel Guzenko, und dem Lead Developer, Ralf Traunsteiner, sprechen wir darüber, wie STRG DesignOps praktiziert, welche Software-Tools dies möglich machen und wie agile Prozesse das Ganze so effizient

Client work use-case for ÖAMTC - Austrian automobile association. In particular it is shown how the new interface looks.

ÖAMTC: Der Weg vom Inhalt zum Produkt

Eine transformative Partnerschaft Die STRG hat sich seit 2013 das Vertrauen des ÖAMTC verdient, indem sie gemeinsam mit dem ÖAMTC ein strategisches Konzept für die digitale Transformation erstellt, eine Online-Version des Printmagazins für Autotourismus eingeführt,

Client work use-case for ÖAMTC - Austrian automobile association. In particular it is shown how the new interface looks.

ÖAMTC: From Content to Product

A Transformational Partnership  Since 2013, STRG has earned ÖAMTC’s trust by partnering with them to create a strategic concept for their digital transformation, launch an online version of their auto touring print magazine, maximise their


How STRG Became An Agile Service Organisation

Working agile saved our a$$ during the Covid-19 lockdown. Could it save yours?   The Digital Revolution has disrupted global business in countless ways. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to adapt even more. Only the

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